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History of Web Design p.3

  I went back to the idea of designing a personal site and in 2017 I took my 3 year old abandoned files of a personal site I started designing & posting years prior.

  This was the ugly concoction I ended up creating as a redesign.


The homepage is just boring and wtf is with the boobies on the front page. I called this page "Ozzy's Random Box" as that was my pseudonym at the time.


  This design was the 3rd design to what would be now known as my primary site. traces of the code is still found of this design today.

 But not long after (few months) the page would be re-designed. To this-

 Yerp, re-used the old Fox Clan/Pixel Ink format. At this point Pixel Ink died and the community dispersed, therefore the Pixel Ink website itself died. I was really happy with the design though and I didn't want to waste it so I recycled it. I was most happy with this small variant of the design and I ended up having a lot of passion using this site and it got really ambitious. Despite being created years prior, 2018 was the era that my site and projects really began sky rocketing. I visited Ireland & the UK and I have a lot of memories writing reviews on restraunts I was trying and reviewing some animations that I was introduced to as well as games.

  Speaking of animations, this was the era when I got *really* into animating, cartoons and smaller indie games. I was deep within the communities of these subjects & I produced some of that content myself.

This website was a perfect place to post it. Like the previous designed it had a forums page and the first iteration of my blog. Won't share all of the pages since a lot of them carried over from Pixel Ink.

 There were more dedicated pages to my roblox and Source projects. I also made a technical modding page (which you can still see the trace of this old design you type in "/technical-modding" on my site). Sadly due to old code all of these old pages are broken and some of the media is lost due to bad practice of archiving and organization.

 In 2019 there would be another update which would be the website that is known today.

It would continue to evolve... what it is today.

 With the 2019 a lot was added and revamped but a lot was removed. The things that were removed are; the forums and all of it's accounts/services, blog, reviews, any animation page, 3D Printing page, media became the /videos page & any game design or art page because what their corresponding pages are now.

 A friend asked me if I would return the forums, but they were a pain in the squiggeleyspooch to run so that won't happen again. Plus there isn't a purpose to have forums for a personal site at least for me. Reviews will not come back either and animation pages are making a small return in /toybox in the future. 3D printing also won't return since I don't often 3D print and do not care to make a page for it.

 Ultimately I made a website to display my creations, if it weren't for that I wouldn't make websites to begin with. Thank you to all those who support me, thank you for reading. Cheers!
